About us

Welcome to GigsRepo, your go-to destination for skilled freelancers and quality services. At GigsRepo, we believe in the power of connecting talented individuals with clients who value excellence.

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About Saashine Ltd

Saashine Ltd is the innovative force behind GigsRepo, a leading platform connecting skilled freelancers with clients seeking quality services. Based in the bustling city of London, Saashine is dedicated to shaping the future of the gig economy through cutting-edge software solutions.

"As the company behind GigsRepo, Saashine specializes in developing user-friendly software-as-a-service (SaaS) products tailored to the needs of modern businesses. Our mission is to empower organizations to thrive in today's digital landscape by providing intuitive cloud-based platforms that streamline workflows, enhance productivity, and drive growth."

from Founder

Our Important Moments

  1. SaaShine LTD

    Started with dozens of ideas to innovate and revolutionize.

  2. GigsRepo.com

    Marked the beginning of something amazing.

  3. Continued Growth

    Fueled by your trust, we continue to grow and expand our horizons.

Let's find more that brings us together.

Saashine is committed to driving positive change in the gig economy. Join us as we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible in SaaS technology and shape the future of work for generations to come.